Earl Grey Tea Scones + Cranberry Chocolate Chip Scones

Originally made with oats and griddle-baked, it is believed that scones got their start as a Scottish quick bread in the early 1500s. Some say the word “skone” originated from the Dutch word ‘schoonbrot’, which means beautiful bread, while others argue it comes from Stone of Destiny, where the Kings of Scotland were crowned.
When it comes to flavour variations, the possibilities are endless, so feel empowered to explore your favourite (preferably dry) ingredients! The important thing is to keep in mind are that all ingredients should be cold (e.g. use chilled or frozen butter) for a better rise, and don’t overdo the mixing because crumbly scones are best!

What you’ll need

  • 350g self raising flour, chilled
  • 1tsp baking powder, chilled
  • 75g unsalted butter, very cold and cubed
  • 150g cold milk
  • 70g sugar
  • For cranberry chocolate chip scones: 20g cranberries + 20g semi sweet chocolate chips
  • For Earl Grey tea scones: 2 tbsps Earl Grey tea dust
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • pinch of salt

How to make it

  1. Rub together the flour, baking powder and butter,
  2. Mix in the sugar, eggs (save a little to glaze the scones) and milk.
  3. Divide into 2 sets.
  4. For set 1, add cranberries and chocolate chips.
  5. For set 2, add Earl Grey tea dust.
  6. Knead both to a dough consistency.
  7. Roll dough out to 2cm thickness, then cut out with rings on a floured workbench.
  8. Place on a baking tray with parchment paper.
  9. Brush with the remaining egg, and bake at 195 degC/380 deg F for 12 minutes.
  10. Enjoy with cream, jam and tea!

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