Sweet Potato Mousse Recipe

Sweet Potato Mousse Recipe⁠

What you’ll need:⁠
200g sweet potato, skinned and cut into 1 inch rounds⁠
1 tbsp sugar⁠
10g unsalted butter ⁠
1 tsp vanilla essence⁠
1 tbsp maple syrup⁠

What to do:⁠
1) Soak the peeled and cut sweet potatoes in water for about 10 mins to eliminate any raw, bitter taste⁠
2) Rinse the sweet potato pieces and boil in water until tender⁠
3) Drain and mash (or puree) while it’s still hot⁠
4) Add the sugar, butter, cream, maple syrup and vanilla essence while it’s still hot⁠
5) Pass through a sieve⁠
4) Pipe onto shortbread⁠

Enjoy as a snack or dessert! ⁠

Notes: ⁠

  • Purple sweet potato is pictured here, but any variety of sweet potato will work. Go for the moister, sweeter varieties for a more aromatic product.⁠
  • Get the kids involved with the piping!

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