cempedak | World Gourmet Home http://worldgourmethome.com Gourmet Without Boundaries Fri, 24 Jul 2020 12:52:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 http://worldgourmethome.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/cropped-e2ad1256-30d9-4fb0-8ad2-34a7a02cafe7-32x32.jpg cempedak | World Gourmet Home http://worldgourmethome.com 32 32 Cempedak Muffins http://worldgourmethome.com/cempedak-muffins/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cempedak-muffins http://worldgourmethome.com/cempedak-muffins/#respond Mon, 20 Jul 2020 05:55:54 +0000 http://worldgourmethome.com/?p=129 Often called the ugly cousin of the jackfruit, cempedak is a tropical superfruit native to Southeast Asia Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam  Cempedak’s aromatic, custard-like flesh can be eaten fresh or cooked — it can be fried or its pulp creamed to make jams and cakes. Its hard seeds are also edible – boiled, roasted or …

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