Pumpkin Flower Mantou (Vegan)

Are you looking for a new pumpkin recipe? Try these fluffy flower mantou (steamed buns), they are so pretty and full of pumpkin goodness!

The word “mantou” literally means “barbarians head”. They appear cloud-like in their form, first having originated from Northern China. Legend attributes its origin to the brilliant political strategist Zhuge Liang, who was attempting to capture a barbarian and led his army across a tumultuous river.

What you’ll need

  • 350 g Hong Kong flour or cake flour
  • 4g instant yeast
  • 60g sugar
  • 50ml warm water
  • 200g mashed or puréed pumpkin
  • 2 tsps coconut oil

How to make it

  1. Dissolve sugar in warm water in small bowl, add the yeast and mix to incorporate. Let stand undisturbed for 10 mins or until the mixture turns foamy.
  2. Place the mixture and other ingredients in a mixing bowl. Use the dough hook attachment and start kneading the dough. Depending on how much liquid is in the mashed pumpkin, you may need a bit more flour so the dough can come together into a non-sticky smooth dough or if the dough is too dry, you may add a bit water, tablespoon by tablespoon if needed. Knead the dough on medium speed for 5 minutes.
  3. Cover and rest the dough for 15 minutes so it’s easier to knead.
  4. Knead the dough. The dough should end up soft and supple, just like a baby’s bottom!
  5. Leave kneaded dough in a deep bowl and cover. Let rise in a warm spot for 2-3 hours or until the dough almost triples in size.Punch the dough down. Sprinkle working surface lightly with flour and roll out the dough into a log, about 16 pieces. Shape each bun as desired – either into flowers or small balls.
  6. Place each bun seam side down on paper liners and place into a steamer, leaving approx 2″ between the buns. Cover and let rise for 30 mins or until springy to the touch.
  7. Steam over high heat for 15 mins. Serve hot and fluffy. Hao Chi!