Looking for vegan, gluten and dairy-free ideas? Try the Jatjuk, a delicious and nutritious Korean pine nut porridge. Jatjuk has immunity boosting and skin rejuvanating properties, making it a nutritious meal for all ages. This healthy delicacy was once enjoyed by Korean royalty, from as early as the 16th century.
What you’ll need
- 1/2 cup pinenuts (4oz/125g)
- 5 cups water (1.25 litres)
- 1 cup (8oz/250g) short-grained rice, soaked for at least 30 minutes, drained
- Salt to taste (optional)
How to make it
- (Optional) Dry roast the pine nuts on a pan, leave to cool.
- Place pine nuts in blender with 1 cup of water and blend well to combine.
- Rinse blender container well.
- Place rice with 1 cup of water and blend to a coarse paste.
- Transfer to non-stick saucepan, add remaining water and cook, stirring occasionally, over medium heat, for 15 minutes.
- Remove any lumps in the pot by whisking.
- Reduce the heat to low, add blended pine nuts and simmer for a further 15 minutes.
- Add salt to taste.
- Dry roasting the nuts before blending them will enhance the nutty aroma of the porridge.
- If you prefer a smoother consistency, sieve the blended rice and pine nuts before cooking.
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